The Bachelor of Economics (BE) offered by the Faculty of Economics and Management, UKM is the pioneer among economics programs in Malaysia that has produced many well-known and prominent economists in the country. This programme is designed to equip students with knowledge and skills in the field of economics that allows graduates to apply economics-related knowledge in organisational planning, policy development, research and decision making in organisations. Focus areas include international and industrial economics, monetary and fiscal economics, econometrics, economic development and Islamic economics. The curriculum developed aims to produce graduates who are knowledgeable about current economic issues and able to generate new ideas in planning and decision making, based on economic theories and principles. Read More …
Institute of Climate Change (IPI) offers a Master of Science and Phd program in the multidisciplinary fields among the four research institutions, namely Climate Change Research Institute (Institut Kajian Perubahan Iklim), Space Science Centre (ANGKASA), Earth Observation Centre (EOC) and Centre for Tropical Climate Change System (IKLIM). By studying climate change, you can master the tools needed to understand the climate change system and mitigate its impact on economics and ecosystem. Studying space science provides a focus on the solar-terrestrial interactions (e.g., magnetic reconnections, solar flare, geomagnetic storm, and ionospheric storm), and the tools required for forecasting the space weather and for the earthquake precursor. Our research programs have strong collaborations with government agencies and international and local institutions.
IPI is a multi-disciplinary institute and provides cross-disciplinary research. Students can collaborate with faculty and institutes in the field they are pursuing according to current needs. Students also have access to student activity through Earth & Space Student Association (ESSA).
English Requirement:
International students are required to obtain a minimum English Language test score as a prerequisite for entry into graduate programmes at UKM:
IELTS : Minimum Band 6.0
TOEFL : Minimum 60 (iBT) or 550 (PBT)
CEFR : Level Mid B2
MUET : Minimum Band 4
In special cases, in case both both requirements were not met, students will be required to attend and pass the English Placement Test (EPT) conducted by Centre for Graduate Management, PPS, UKM. Those who do not pass the EPT then must take and pass the English Module UKM for one semester before graduating.
Malay Language Requirement:
LMCM1083 Communicative Malay Language for International Student.
English Requirement:
International students are required to obtain a minimum English Language test score as a prerequisite for entry into graduate programmes at UKM:
IELTS : Minimum Band 6.0
TOEFL : Minimum 60 (iBT) or 550 (PBT)
CEFR : Level Mid B2
MUET : Minimum Band 4
In special cases, in case both both requirements were not met, students will be required to attend and pass the English Placement Test (EPT). Those who do not pass the EPT then must take and pass the HEET Training Programme.
Malay Language Requirement:
LMCM1083 Communicative Malay Language for International Student “
• Space Science
• Astronautic
• Space Management & Policy
• Climate Change Science
• Climate Change & Social Science
• Climate Change Policy & Geospatial
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